Welcome to my personal website!
I'm a computer systems engineer with main focus on software enginnering, very passionate about operating systems and cutting edge technologies.
This are some intesting projects I've started:
This project started as my university graduation project and have scaled to be the official OS for the Mexican Olimpiad of Informatics and the facto distro for many universities to host their ICPC competitions.
This ICPC resolver simulates what happens in the frozen time of an ICPC competition, intentionally made to be a web app available for anyone without requiring big setup. This project have scaled and become the official ICPC revealer of the ICPC Polish Academic Championships. Check this project in action!
This is some of my relevant experience:
Software Enginner in Core OS (Windows Core), working with the IEEE 802.11 specification in the OS network stack for Wi-Fi and related techonologies along with the driver frameworks.
Software Enginner Intern in Core OS, working with Android Operating System Project to implement OS APIs for automatic Cellular eSIM provisioning.
Software Engineer Intern in Project Nazaré, working on the operating system Shell.
Software Engineer Intern in Horizon Worlds, working on the scripting system.
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